Should You Buy an Air Fryer If You Already Have an Oven?
Do You Need an Air Fryer Oven if You Have an Oven Already?
Healthy and nutritious food is essential for most people. However, it’s difficult to resist French fries, fritters, or any delicious snacks. But you know all these oily, fried foods mean more calories and an unhealthy body. Well, if you want to enjoy all this yummy fried food, then the air fryer oven is your go-to. Air fryers or air fryer ovens are kitchen appliances that can make your cooking healthier.
However, some of you might think, why need an air fryer when there’s a microwave. Well, you definitely need an air fryer or air fryer oven, even if you have a microwave. Let’s find out why.
Why Get an Air Fryer Oven if You have an Oven/Microwave
Surprisingly, all three appliances, air fryers, air fryer ovens, and microwaves have distinctive functionalities. It just depends on what you are cooking. While a microwave can cook a dish in a few minutes, an air fryer or air fryer oven uses convection heating to cook. When comparing these two, the microwave is less time taking but an air fryer is best for fried stuff. And, if you’re looking for a quality air fryer or air fryer oven, try Acekool Air Fryer FT1. This air fryer comes with 10 cooking presets and food cooked is super healthy with 75% less fat than deep frying.
So, if you want to enjoy your fries but still want them healthy, then the air fryer oven is your go-to. You wouldn’t be able to fry your potatoes the way you like in an oven or a microwave, hence, this is where an air fryer works best.
Buying Guide of Air Fryer or Air Fryer Oven
- Before selecting any model, always consider the capacity of the air fryer. Depending on your family size and cooking requirements, you can choose between 2 to 7 quarts. Moreover, if you have a small family, then a smaller air fryer would do. Another thing to remember, larger the air fryer, the more countertop space will it take. So, choose wisely.
- Look for cooking presets and easy-to-handle controls. Moreover, with different cooking presets, you don’t need to spend time setting time and temperature separately. Just select the specific cooking option and in a few minutes, it’s ready.
- Another important point to consider when buying an air fryer is the safety of the appliance. Features like child lock and safety handles and more can assure the quality of the air fryer.
- Price is also a great option to consider before you invest in an air fryer. Of course, you can’t slosh out money on an air fryer. Opting for a quality yet affordable air fryer or air fryer oven is a wise decision. So, check with features and compare the price before you invest in one.
If you are still thinking that should you buy an air fryer oven when you have a microwave, then here’s your answer. Yes, you should. Air fryers and microwaves are different and serve distinct purposes. And, with an air fryer oven, you can boost your health with some lip-smacking dishes.